What Documents Are Needed For SASSA Older Persons Grant

What Documents Are Needed For SASSA Older Persons Grant

South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) Older Persons Grant which is also known as the SASSA Old Age Grant, provides financial support to all eligible South Africans aged 60 or older. The grant provides R2,080 per month to all the eligible older age beneficiaries ensuring that they can comfortably live the golden years of their life.

So, what documents are needed to apply SASSA Older Persons Grant? This article will share the complete list with you. If think are 60 or older, and facing financial hardship in supporting your basic expenses, then you can apply for this grant.

Let’s check out all the documents required for the SASSA Old Age Grant.

Documents Required For SASSA Older Age Grant

SASSA Old Age Grant is a support hand provided to all the older age South African Citizens who are struggling with their basic expenses like food, accommodation, clothes, etc. Following are the documents you need to apply for the SASSA Older Persons Grant:

1. Valid South African ID Card

To apply for the Old Age Grant, you will need to prove your identity and legal status in South Africa. For identity verification, SASSA asks for a valid South African ID Card. Your ID must be certified by the Commissioner of Oaths.

Also, make sure that the SA ID copy is clearly visible and all details are printed well — easily readable before attaching it to the application form.

But what if you don’t have a South African ID (your ID is lost or misplaced and you are unable to find it now)

  • Affidavit and Commissioner of Oaths: If you don’t have your South African ID card, then a sworn statement on a SASSA form is signed in front of the Commissioner of Oaths. Also, ask someone for the witness oaths and affirmations.
  • Sworn Statement: If you can not get an affidavit from the Commissioner of Oaths, then a sworn statement signed by a reputed person in your community can also work as a replacement for an SA ID card.
  • If you are an asylum seeker, refugee, or special permit holder, then your Passport can work instead of a South African ID Card.

2. Proof of Marital Status

You are also required to attach a document that proves your current marital status when applying for the Old Age Grant, these documents are mentioned below:

  • Married Applicant: Provide your marriage certificate as proof of marriage, and attach it along with the SASSA Old Age grant application form.
  • Divorced: A copy of your divorce document from the legal court must be attached in this case.
  • Widowed (In the last 5 years): Provide a copy of your spouse’s death certificate with the application form.

3. Proof of Residence

All the people who live in South Africa can apply for this grant. So, you need to provide a document that proves your current residence is in South Africa. There are several documents which you can provide, such as your utility bill, and bank statement, or if you don’t have any of these, you can provide an affidavit signed by someone who can confirm your residence.

4. Proof of Private Pension (if applicable)

If you are receiving any other kind of private pension to support your expenses, you need to provide more information about it while applying for the grant. SASSA will ask you to provide any document that shows what kind of pension you are receiving, and what are its benefits. This will help them to evaluate your current financial condition.

5. Proof of Income

If you have any kind of income, such as from any job, or any other way, you will be required to provide income proof along with your SASSA application form. This will help SASSA determine your current financial situation and find out if you are qualified for the grant or not.

You can provide any of the following documents as your income proof:

  • Pay slips: If you have a job, or currently working, then provide your paylips as income proof.
  • Bank Statements: Provide your bank statement that will share the complete financial picture, and income you are receiving.

6. Proof of Assets

SASSA Means Test is compulsory to pass, it determines an applicant’s income and assets to check their qualification for the grant they are applying for. SASSA needs to check your assets as well, to make sure that you are a real needed person.

Old Age grant is provided only to low-income or people who are not earning anything, and facing difficulties in managing their expenses.

7. Bank Statements

Your bank statements can share all the money you have, and the income you are receiving, overall it gives a clear picture of your financial condition.

So, it is a very important document, to provide your recent bank statement (not more than 6 months older) when applying for the SASSA old age grant.

8. Proof of Unemployment Insurance

Provide your UIF “Blue Book” as proof of Unemployment Insurance, this will help SASSA to further understand your current financial condition. If you are not receiving the UIF, then share your Discharge Certificate as proof of no longer being an active member of Unemployment Insurance.

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