
SASSA Change Banking Details For SRD R350 (Online & Offline Method)

If you have moved your bank or changed your account information, but are not sure how to change banking details for the SRD R350 SASSA Grant then this article is going to save you time.

Don’t worry! Because SASSA Change Banking Details for SRD R350 process is quite simple and you can easily follow it yourself to check your SASSA Banking Details. Just follow the below shared step-by-step process:

Before we begin, here are some information that you need to keep handy because you will need them during the process:

  • Your South African ID Number: Keep your SA ID Number handy because this is going to be the most important information you need during the process. This is the same ID you used when you applied for the SASSA SRD Grant.
  • Your Registered Mobile Phone: You will need your registered mobile number because there will be a message sent by SASSA containing a link that you need for the process. Also, you may receive a one-time password for mobile verification.

How to Change Your SASSA SRD R350 Grant Banking Details?

If you are a beneficiary of the SASSA SRD R350 grant and want to change your bank details then we ensure that it is going to be a simple process. We have shared the complete process so you can update your SASSA Banking Details yourself:

Important: Before you change your account, make sure the account and mobile number that you can want to update, are registered in your name. Because SASSA can not transfer the grant money to someone else’s account.

Step 1: Visit the Official SASSA SRD Website

sassa change banking details for r350

You can change your SASSA Bank details from their official portal online, just visit and choose whether you are a South African ID holder or asylum seeker/permit holder.

After that, a new page will open and you need to find the “How do I change my banking details” tab by scrolling down on the page.

Step 2: Submit your ID Number

You will be then asked to enter your ID Number to initiate the process. Enter your correct South African ID Number if you choose South African ID Holder in the first step, otherwise, enter your Asylum ID if select the second option.

Step 3: Receive SMS with Secure Link

After entering the ID number, you will receive a message containing a unique and secure link to your registered mobile number. This would be an exclusive link, which means it is created just for you and would take you to the next step in changing your bank details.

Step 4: Click on the Link and Follow the Instructions

Click on the link received in the SMS, and read all the instructions shared on the page where it takes you. This page will ask you to provide your bank information, such as your account number, bank name, branch code etc. You may also need to complete the mobile verification. Enter all the details of your new bank account that you want to add to SASSA.

Step 5: Verification Process for Banking Details

After entering all the information asked in the previous step, wait for SASSA to complete its review process. It is important to cross-check all your banking details to ensure that your money gets deposited into your new bank account securely. This process might take a few days to complete so you need to patiently wait.

Step 6: SRD Banking Details Update Process Completed

You will receive a message about the confirmation of your bank details update request. Once your bank details are updated, you will start receiving your next Grant payment in your newly added bank account.

Bonus Step: Contact SASSA If Needed

If you face any issues or have any queries while updating your SASSA banking details, you can simply get in touch with the SASSA by calling their helpline number. There are various support channels available, you can contact their team and resolve your query or any issue you are facing while updating SASSA banking details.

Also Check Out: How to Reset Your SASSA Password?

Important Tips While Changing SASSA SRD Banking Details

Here are some tips that are recommeded to keep in mind while you are updating your banking details in the SASSA SRD account. Below are the tips shared:

  • Double Check Your Bank Account Details: SASSA only deposits grant money in the same person’s bank account, so make sure you are providing your banking details, not anyone else’s. Also, double-check the details while entering such as the Account number, and other details.
  • No Fixed Payment Dates: There are no fixed payment dates when your grant money will be credited to your bank details. So you will need to keep an eye on your account, the payment dates can vary each month.
  • Contact SASSA if Needed: If you facing any technical issue during the SASSA SRD banking details update process, then please contact the SASSA helpline and their representative will help you to fix any issue you are facing during the process.

FAQs On Process of SASSA Banking Details Update

How long does it take to change banking details for SASSA SRD R350?

Once your SASSA banking details change request has been submitted, it would take anywhere between 7 to 10 business days to verify your new banking details and approve your request.

What is the limit for updating the SASSA Banking Details?

SASSA has set a limit on SASSA bank details updates, to ensure you get your money safely in the correct account. You can request bank details update once every 3 months.

How can I change my SASSA banking details?

There are basically two methods to change your banking details in the SASSA SRD grant, these two are shared below:
Online via SASSA portal: You can easily change your bank details through the official SASSA website, all you need is just your SA ID and Registered mobile number to get it updated.
Offline by calling SASSA helpline: If you are not comfortable with the online method, then just call their helpline number and ask that you want to update SASSA banking details. They will ask you for some details for the verification, such as SA ID, Mobile number and some others.

What information do I need to update my banking details?

Below is the information that you require for this process:
– South African ID Number
– Registered Mobile Number
– New Bank Account Details

Is there a fee for changing my banking details in SASSA?

No, there is no fee application for changing your bank details for the SASSA SRD, the process is completely free of charge.

Can I change my banking details to receive the grant at the post office?

Yes, you can change your bank details and opt for receiving your grant money at the post office, you need to follow the same process for this also.

Also Check Out: How To Change Your SASSA Phone Number For SRD Grant?


If you have provided the wrong banking details while applying for the SASSA SRD grant, or you lost the access to account you provided during the application then it becomes very important to update your Banking Details. This will ensure that your grant money gets deposited into your account without any delay or issues.

There are mainly two methods offered by SASSA to update banking details, both methods have been shared on this page. If you ask me, I would recommend the online method because it is easy. But if you are not comfortable with the online method, then you can call their helpline number and ask them to update SASSA Banking details.


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