How To Fix SASSA SRD Alternative Income Source Identified Status

How To Fix SASSA SRD “Alternative Income Source Identified” Status?

Is your SASSA SRD grant application rejected with the reason “Alternative Income Source identified”? Looking for how to fix this error, this article is going to be useful for you. After reading this article till the end, you will find out why this issue occurred, and how you can solve it.

This error occurs when SASSA finds evidence showing that you have another income source. This income could be your employment (formal or informal), income from investments, or any other social grants.

Having any other income source makes you ineligible for the SASSA SRD Grant, and that’s made your application rejected. But that doesn’t necessarily mean you are ineligible for this grant and won’t receive financial assistance if facing hardship. There might be chances that your application got rejected by mistake, or SASSA found the wrong alternative income source when reviewing your application.

Possible Reason For SASSA SRD “Alternative Income Source Identified”

The following can be the reason for your SASSA SRD grant rejection due to the alternative income source found issue:

  • Shared Bank Account: If you are allowing any of your friends, family members or anyone using your Bank account to receive their regular income, this could be the reason behind your application being rejected with this reason.
  • Incorrect Bank Details: If you unknowingly provided the wrong Bank Account details, this might link you to another person’s income and your SASSA SRD grant application rejected.
  • Gifts & Donations: If you received any money as any gift or donation, it could be misinterpreted as your regular income.
  • Loans & Repayments: Loans and other financial payments can be marked as income. This also could be the reason for your SASSA SRD application being rejected due to the alternative income source.

How To Fix SASSA “Alternative Income Source Identified” Status?

If your SASSA Application has been rejected because SASSA found an alternative source of income, then follow below mentioned step-by-step process to fix this status:

1. Appeal SASSA’s Decision

If your SASSA SRD Status has been rejected because of an alternative source of income, and you believe that SASSA made a mistake in reviewing your income. You can find an appeal on this matter. This could be because of any reasons I shared above in this article.

  • Access SASSA Portal: Visit the official SASSA SRD Appeal page through this link You will need to provide your valid 13-digit South African ID Number and registered mobile number for filing an appeal.
  • Submit Bank Statements: Get all your Bank Statements for the last 3 months downloaded. Make sure they are in your name, it should be clearly mentioned in the statements.
  • Clearly Explain Your Financial Condition: Your bank statement can be a supporting document for your financial hardship. But you need to explain your situation in words also, explain why you need this grant, and clarification for the alternative income source if it is not yours.

2. Verify Bank Details

Also, ensure that you’ve provided the correct bank account information, this should belong to you only. There are changes that SASSA linked someone else’s income to your account if you provided the wrong bank account details. Double-check your bank information and update it if needed.

3. Recheck Income Thresholds

SASSA has put an income limit on all their grants, each grant has its own income threshold. If your income is lower than the set for applying for the grant you want, then only you are eligible for that grant. However, there are some more eligible criteria to keep in mind. So, it is recommeded to go through the eligible criteria of the grant you want to apply for.

Double-check your bank statements to ensure that your income is lower than the income limit set by the SASSA for that specific grant. If there are exceptional deposits (such as loan repayments or gifts/donations), you can explain them to SASSA with the supporting documents.

4. Find that Alternative Income Source

SASSA has rejected your application because they found an alternative income source when reviewing your application. Double-check your bank statements for the past 3 months and identify that alternative income source if there’s any. If there were any exceptional deposits or payments received, be ready to provide an explanation on that with relevant documents,

5. Avoid Using e-Wallet

If you applied for the SASSA SRD Grant, it is recommeded to avoid using E-Wallets for sending and receiving money, until the process is completed. These can confuse SASSA when reviewing your application, or consider this transaction as income.

6. Verify Your Information

Double-check all the information you provided in your application when filing an appeal for the SASSA SRD application rejection decision. Have you provided all the correct information such as your ID number, mobile number, bank statements, and other bank details? Double-check them before submitting.

7. Explain Exceptional Deposits (if any)

If your bank statement has any exceptional deposit or unusual payment, then be ready with the explanation along with supporting documents. This will clear if SASSA is taking that exceptional deposit or transaction as your income and approves your SASSA SRD Application.

8. Apply for Other Grants

If the alternative source SASSA identified was yours, and your income does not make you eligible for the SASSA SRD Grant, then consider applying for any other social grant that you are eligible for, such as the Child Support Grant or Disability Grant.

Must read this page, How Much You Must Earn to Quality for SASSA Grant?


What does “Alternative Income Source Identified” mean?

This issue shows that SASSA found an alternative income source when reviewing your SASSA SRD application. For this, you are no longer eligible for the grant, hence your application has been rejected.

How do I appeal this decision?

You can appeal using the following two methods:
1. Online via SASSA Portal: Visit the official SASSA portal to file an appeal if you believe that SASSA mistakenly rejected your application.
2. Visit the SASSA Office: File an appeal by visiting the nearest office in your locality.

What documents should I include in my appeal?

Below are the documents you need to provide when filling an appeal:
1. South African ID Card copy
2. Proof of Unemployment
3. Last three months bank statements
4. Explanation and supporting documents for alternative income source if any

Who can I contact for further assistance?

You can contact the SASSA helpline by calling their toll-free number at 0800 60 10 11


Don’t stress if you received an “Alternative Income Source Identified” error on your SASSA SRD Application, this occurred because SASSA has identified an alternative income source which makes you ineligible for the grant. But if you are genuinely facing financial hardship, and unemployed, then we have shared some possible fixes for this error which you can try. File an appeal if you feel that SASSA mistakenly rejected

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