How To Appeal For Declined SASSA SRD R350 Grant

How To Appeal For Declined SASSA SRD R350 Grant?

I understand how frustrating it can be for you when you come to know that your SASSA SRD R350 application has been declined. But you still believe that you are eligible for receiving an SRD SASSA grant. What you can do in this situation?

SASSA allows the applicant to file an appeal if they believe that SASSA has mistakenly rejected their application. So, you don’t have to worry if you find your SASSA SRD Status declined, there is still hope.

In this article, I will share the exact process, step-by-step to appeal for a Declined SASSA SRD R350 Grant using different methods available. Not the appeal process, but we have also shared all the information related to filing an appeal.

Important Points To Keep In Mind For SASSA Appeal

Here are some important points that I believe you should keep in mind before the SASSA Appeal Process:

  • First, you need to find out why your SASSA SRD R350 grant has been declined by the government. You must be clear with the reason for rejection, and if you still believe that there is a mistake, then apply for the appeal.
  • You must need to file an appeal within 90 days of the rejection notice.
  • Gather all the necessary information needed for filing a SASSA SRD appeal, such as a South African ID Number and registered mobile number.
  • Keep in mind that the appeal can take up to 90 days for a decision, so you will need to wait patiently.
  • Provide all the information accurately, whether it is documents or the reason why you believe that you are eligible and SASSA mistakenly rejected your application.
  • After filing the SASSA SRD appeal, regularly track your SASSA SRD Appeal Status to ensure it is processed, and keep a record of all communications.

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How To Appeal For SASSA SRD R350 Grant?

If you find out the exact reason why your SASSA SRD grant application has been declined, and you know that the decision was taken mistakenly by the agency. Then you can file an appeal at SASSA for reconsideration of your SASSA application. But before that, just make sure you’ve read all the points mentioned above to prepare for filing an appeal at

Below are the step-by-step that you can simply follow and file your appeal online:

  • First of all, you need to access the SRD Appeal Portal through this link:
  • Explore the SRD Section on the official SASSA portal.
  • Then, enter your 13-digit South African ID number and registered mobile number in the given form fields.
  • You will then receive a PIN through SMS on the same registered mobile number, enter your PIN on the website to proceed.
  • Now you are required to select the appeal month, you will get a list of months for which your application was rejected. If you want to appeal for more than one month, then you will need to appeal them separately.
  • Provide the reason for appeal, here you need to explain why you believe that your application was rejected mistakenly and you are still eligible to receive the grant.
  • Attach all the necessary documents need to submit the appeal and attach all the supporting documents to support your appeal. These documents can be, your bank statements, proof of unemployment, or other evidence that shows your financial situation.
  • Once everything is done, review all the information you provided before you submit the appeal.
  • After submitting your SASSA appeal, patiently wait up to 90 days to get a decision on your appeal.

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What To Do If My Appeal Is Declined?

If your appeal has been declined, don’t worry and don’t panic! Below we have shared what you can do if you get into this situation

Review the Decline Reason: You will receive a letter or notification if your appeal got declined, that notification will explain the reason why the appeal has been rejected by SASSA. Read the reason and understand it deeply to find the specific issues that you need to address. If you are not able to understand the declination reason yourself, then get in touch with the SASSA helpline and they will clarify it for you.

Review Your Application and Appeal: Now start from the very start, check every detail and document you provided while applying for the SASSA SRD Grant as well as, check the details you filled in the appeal.

Consult with Experts: If you are still confused about the declination reason and your eligibility, I highly recommend you consult with an SASSA expert, such as legal aid services or community assistance programs for further guidance on the SASSA grant application and appeal

Legal Recourse: If you’re 100% confident that you are eligible for the SRD grant and your application was rejected mistakenly by the SASSA. You can bring this matter to the high court for legal assistance. But before you bring it to court, it is recommeded to do careful consideration and take advice from lawyers.

Look for Other Assistance Programs: If you are rejected from the SRD grant, then look for other government or community assistance programs, for which you are eligible.

FAQs On SASSA Appeal Process

Why was my SASSA SRD R350 grant application declined?

There can be several reasons for the declination of the SASSA SRD grant application, it can be discrepancies in the information provided, failure to meet the eligibility criteria, or verification issues.

How can I find out the specific reason for the decline?

You will be notified of the exact reason why your SASSA SRD Grant application was rejected. Or, you can also check the SASSA SRD Status to know the reason.

What is the time frame for submitting an appeal?

Appeal for the SASSA SRD application declined, should be submitted within 90 days of receiving the application rejection notification.

How do I submit an appeal for the SRD R350 grant?

You can submit an appeal for reconsideration of the SRD grant application through the official SASSA portal online,

How long does it take for an appeal to be processed?

SASSA can take up to 90 days to take a decision on your appeal.

Will I receive back payments if my appeal is successful?

Yes, you will start receiving your grant money from the next month’s scheduled date if your appeal has been successfully approved.

Also Check Out: SASSA SRD R350 Status Check


SASSA allows SRD R350 grant applicant to file an appeal if their application has been declined, and if they strongly believe that you are eligible and the application has been rejected mistakenly. However, the appeal must be filed within 90 days of receiving notification that the SASSA SRD grant was rejected. Appeal can be filed through their official SASSA portal, we have shared the complete process so you can file your appeal if your application has been rejected.

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