
Who Qualifies For SASSA Old Age Grant?

SASSA offers old age grants to provide financial assistance for elder citizens who are struggling to support their basic expenses, because of facing financial hardship. But don’t you know who is eligible for the SASSA Old Age Grant, then read this article till the end.

Through the SASSA Old Age Grant, elder South African citizens (60 – 75 years old) can get financial assistance of R2,180 per month, and people who are 75+ years old will receive R2,200 per month. For elders, their grant money becomes an important source to live their life comfortably.

This article will share the complete eligibility criteria for the SASSA Old Age Grant, so you can find out whether you are eligible to receive the old age grant or not.

SASSA Old Age Grant Requirements

SASSA Old Age Grant, which is also known as the Older Persons Grant, provides financial support to elders to live their golden years of life comfortably. If you want to apply for the grant, the following are the eligibility criteria you need to meet for this grant:

  • The applicant must be 60 years or older to apply for the Old Age Grant.
  • You must be a South African citizen or refugee currently living in South Africa.
  • You must pass the SASSA Means Test for income and asset evaluation to meet the financial eligibility to receive SASSA old age grant support. Your income must be lower than R86,280 per year from all sources for individuals, and for married couples, your combined income must be less than R172,560 per year.
  • Holding a valid 13-digit South African Identity Card.
  • The applicant must not be already receiving full care from any state institution, like old age homes or rehabilitation centres to be eligible.
  • You must not be receiving any other social grants, such as Disability Grants, or Child grants.

Check out: How Much You Must Earn to Qualify for SASSA Grants?

How To Apply For the SASSA Old Age Grant?

You can easily apply for the SASSA Old Age Grant by visiting the nearest SASSA Office in your locality. Bring all the important documents like a South African ID card, active number phone number, banking details, proof of residence, bank statement, etc. These documents are important for applying for the grant.

Following the below step-by-step process:

  • Visit the nearest SASSA Office located in your area, along with all the documents needed for the application.
  • Ask the staff that you want to apply for the Old Age grant, they will provide you with the form.
  • Fill out all the information accurately, and avoid making any typo mistakes, otherwise the application will be rejected.
  • Provide an active mobile number because all your SASSA notifications will be delivered on the same number. Also, provide your banking details to receive your payments.
  • Once all the information is filled, attach all the required documents. Staff will help you to know what are the documents needed to attach to the form.
  • Once done, hand over the form to the staff. Your application process is completed.

You will receive a response within 30 days when applying for the grant. You will receive an SMS notification if your grant is approved or declined. If your application is rejected, you will be provided the exact reason for the rejection. If you believe that the decision was a mistake from SASSA, you can file an appeal.


What is the minimum age to qualify for the Old Age Grant?

The applicant must be 60 years old or above to be eligible for apply in the Old Age Grant offered by SASSA. The approved person will get the financial support of R2,180 per month and the beneficiary who is 75+ will receive R2,200 per month.

What citizenship status is required to qualify?

You must be a South African citizen or refugee currently living in South Africa.

Are there income limitations for the Old Age Grant?

Yes, there is an income limitation set by the SASSA for applicants who want to apply for the old age grant, the applicant must be earning less than R86,280 per year and a married couple must have a combined income of less than R172,560 per year.

Is there a cost to apply for the Old Age Grant?

No, there is no free to apply for the old age grant, it is completely free of cost.

What documents do I need to apply for the Old Age Grant?

The following are the documents required for the application process:
1. South African ID card
2. Active mobile number
3. Proof of residence
4. Bank Account details
5. Bank statements
6. Proof of income


If your old-age grant application is approved, you will start receiving R2,090 per month from the next month. I have shared the complete eligibility criteria for the SASSA Old Age grant, and how you can apply. Make sure that you are eligible for the grant by checking all the points shared above and if eligible, apply by visiting the nearest office in your area.

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