
GovChat Application Form For SASSA SRD R350

South African Social Security Agency, which is abbreviated for SASSA, offers the Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grant for R350 to provide financial support who are facing financial struggle, you can apply for this grant by visiting the nearest SASSA office or online by their portal.

But to make applying for the SASSA grant more accessible and convenient directly from the smartphone, GovChat partnered with the SASSA. There is no need to visit the SASSA office or go through a long and complicated process online to apply for the SASSA grant.

All you need to download and install the GovChat application on your Smartphone and a stable internet connection to apply for teh SASSA SRD R350 grant through your smartphone. Just follow the step-by-step process shared in this article:

Before You Begin, Prepare Everything

Before you start following the process of applying for a SASSA grant through the GovChat application, there are some important information and documents you need to gather before you begin:

  • Your 13-digit South African barcode ID card, if you are applying as an asylum seeker, refugee or special permit holder then you need your password or special permit number.
  • Active mobile number registered in your name
  • Current living address proof, such as utility bill, bank statement, or any other address proof document.
  • Your most recent bank statement to prove your income and expenses.
  • If you were employed previously, then your proof of your unemployment status, such as a discharge certificate from your previous company
  • Other documents that show your current financial situation and proof that you need financial assistance

First, prepare all this information and gather documents, after that, download and install the GovChat application on your mobile phone. And it should be connected to a stable internet connection.

Check Out: SASSA Password Reset

How To Apply for SASSA Grant via GovChat Application Form?

Make sure you’ve gathered all the information and documents shared in the list above. Once you’re done, follow the below-mentioned step-by-step process to apply for an SASSA grant via the GovChat application:

Step #1: Download & Install GovChat Application

You can skip this process if you already installed the GovChat application on your mobile. If not, then follow the below-shared steps to download and install the application:

  • Visit the official GovChat application, through this link
  • On the official website, then click on the “GovChat Now” button below the website header.
  • Immediately, a popup will appear. Click on the “GovChat Now on Our App” button to download the application.
  • You will be sent to the GovChat application download page to complete the download.
  • Once the app is downloaded, open it to complete installation.

Step #2: Sign Up to GovChat Application

After the downloading and installation are finished, launch the application and complete your registration to continue the process.

  • Fill in your name along with your surname.
  • Enter your active mobile number, make sure that the number is active because you will receive all future notifications and updates in the future.
  • Verify the captcha and hit the Submit button to complete registration.

Step #3: Login & Access SASSA Services

Registration is finished, now login to the app with your login details. There will be lots of options will be displayed on the screen, including SASSA services. Click on the “SASSA Grants” from the SASSA Services section.

Step #4: Apply for the SASSA SRD Grant

On the SASSA Grants page, you will various SASSA grants available to apply for through the GovChat application, such as child support, old age grand, and SRD grand. You can apply for any grant you want through this application, but I will share the process of the SASSA SRD grant.

Select the “Social Relief of Distress” grant from all the available grant options available on the screen to begin the registration.

Step #5: Complete the GovChat SASSA Application Form

After clicking the “Social Relief of Distress“, you will see the SASSA SRD Application Form that you need to fill with all the required information and documents to complete your registration. It is recommeded to provide all the information accurately, and providing incorrect information will lead to application rejection or not receiving your grant.

So, before submitting the form, make sure you double-check all the information provided to complete the application.

Step #6: Sign the Application & Submit

After double-checking everything filled in, you are required to sign the application digitally. Once signed your application then submit the form. It’s complete now, you’ve successfully applied for the SASSA SRD Grant via the GovChat application.

Your application has been submitted to the SASSA, now you need to patiently wait for 60 to 90 days for the review of your application. Once the review is completed, you will be notified by the SASSA whether your application is approved or declined.

If the application is approved after review, you will start receiving your SASSA SRD Grant payment from the next month on the scheduled date. Or, if your application is declined, they will share the exact reason why they have rejected your application.

But if you strongly believe that you are eligible for the grant and your application was declined mistakenly, then file an appeal through this process,

FAQs On Applying for SASSA SRD Grant Through GovChat

Is the GovChat application free?

Yes, the GovChat application is completely free to download and install. Even, there is no charge to apply for the SASSA SRD Grant via the GovChat app.

How do I register on GovChat?

Download and install the GovChat application, launch it and fill in all the required information asked to complete your registration. Make sure to provide an active mobile number because you will receive all your future updates and notifications on the same number.

What if my application gets SASSA application rejected?

If your application is rejected after the review, you will receive a notification with the exact reason why they rejected your application. If you strongly belive that you are eligible for the grant and SASSA mistakenly rejected your application, then you can file an appeal.

Can I apply for any SASSA grant using the GovChat app?

Yes, the GovChat app partnered with the SASSA to make the SRD Grant application process to convenient and simple. Applying through GovChat allows applicants to avoid visiting the official and waiting in long queues.

Do I need to visit a SASSA office after applying through GovChat?

No, there is no need to visit the SASSA office after applying through GovChat, just wait for the review time to be finished. If approved, you will start receiving your SRD grant payment from next month.

Check Out: SASSA SRD R350 Status Check


Applying for the SASSA SRD Grant through the GovChat application provides a convenient solution to avoid visiting the office and going through a long process via their official portal. All you need to do is just download and install the application and follow the process shared on this page. Once the application is submitted, there will be around 60 – 90 days of process time taken by the SASSA.

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