
Documents Required For Sassa SRD R370 Appeal

Did you also apply for the SASSA SRD R370 Grant to get financial support when struggling with a touch time? But your SASSA SRD R370 Application has been declined.

Well, it’s sad! If that happens to you, don’t be sad because there is still hope for you. If you strongly believe that you are eligible for the grant and SASSA mistakenly reject your application then you can file SASSA SRD R370 Appeal.

However, there are some documents required for the SASSA SRD R370 appeal, and we are going to talk about them in this article. Here you will learn what documents are required for submitting the SASSA SRD Grant Appeal.

1. Identity Proof

As proof of identity, SASSA gives priority to the certified ID book, which means your ID Book which is verified by a legitimate authority to be an accurate replica of the original. Alternatively, you can provide a valid passport, driver’s license, or any other government-issued document if an ID book is not available to confirm your identity.

2. Proof of Residence

Residence proof is required to confirm your residence when submitting the SASSA SRD appeal. SASSA accepts various documents as the residence proof, such as:

  • Utility bill (less than 3 months old): A Utility Bill is the most recommeded document to present as your proof of residence that proves you live in South Africa. This includes bills of electricity, water, or municipal services work, but this should be less than 3 months old.
  • Municipal account statement: You can also present your Municipal account statement as proof of residence when submitting an appeal for the SASSA SRD R370 grant.
  • Sworn affidavit: If you don’t have any of the first two documents to present, then you can obtain sworn affidavit from someone who can vouch that you live in South Africa. Ask your friend, landlord, family member, or community leader. The affidavit should be signed in front of the Commissioner of Oaths.

3. Income or Unemployment Status

You will also be required to submit your income or unemployment documents, SASSA needs to verify your income which is an important factor when checking eligibility for the SASSA grants. These documents include:

  • Latest payslip: You can provide your latest payslip as your income verification document if you are employed in a company.
  • Employment status letter: Ask your employer to provide you with a signed letter stating that you are currently employed or unemployed with their company.
  • Community leader affidavit: If you are unemployed, or jobless, ask for an affidavit from a community leader that confirms you are jobless and currently unemployed.

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4. Financial Hardship Evidence

Provide your bank statement that will share your current financial condition with the SASSA, it will help them to confirm whether you are struggling financially or not. Make sure to provide statements that reflect your low balances and minimal income.

5. Medical Reports (if applicable)

Income all your medical reports, if you are claiming financial funds due to a medical condition. If your application was rejected due to the same reason this may be fixed when submitting an appeal.

6. Application-Specific Documents

If you are applying for the disability grant and it is rejected. Then provide a document that supports your disability claim. It can be anything, like a professional doctor’s note, or anything that shows you are disabled as you claimed.

7. Provide Valid Contact Number

Don’t forget to provide your active mobile number when submitting an appeal at the SASSA portal. Make sure you provide your SASSA registered mobile number that you used during your application process. If they need to contact you, their call gets connected to the right person.

Check Out: How to Change SASSA Phone Number?

So, these are the documents required for SASSA SRD R370 Appeal. Make sure you gather all the details and prepare everything before submitting the SASSA SRD Appeal.

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